Why do I need a land survey?
A seller, real estate agent, home builder, timber cruiser, family member, or neighbor may claim to know the boundary of a piece of property. Accepting their representations is at best a gamble and at worst a pending lawsuit. Only a Professional Surveyor can provide reliable information about the location of your property corners and/or property lines.
The North Carolina Society of Surveyors has created a pamphlet that helps to answer some of the questions you may have.You may access it here

Boundary Issues
- Location of boundary corners may be un-known.
All boundary corner monuments will be clearly marked at the time of the survey and stakes or iron monuments can be placed on the property line as requested - Boundaries with adjoining properties may be defective in two
1.) Overlap (encroachment) onto neighboring property (or vice versa);
2.) Gap, gore, or void between parcels.
Defective boundaries are a problem if contiguous parcels are being assembled for development.
Location of Improvements (encroachments) - The location of improvements is necessary to make the following
important determinations:
1.) Do any improvements encroach on neighboring parcels or vice versa?
2.) Do any improvements encroach on existing rights of way?
3.) Do any improvements encroach into set-back or side-yard requirements of zoning code?
Our Surveyors will locate on site improvements (buildings, fences, etc.) and note any encroachments or protections the are on the property at the time of survey. Buildings and/or houses will be tied to the boundary line with a distance.
Inadequate Description - For a conveyance to be valid, the instrument of conveyance
(deed, mortgage, ground lease) must contain a sufficient (unambiguous)
description that will allow the property to be located. For example, the
description must form a mathematically closed figure. A description could be
inadequate because of the disappearance or misplacement of the old monuments. A
description could also be inadequate because of changing riparian boundaries.
Non-Title Matters Affecting Development of Sites - The topography of a site has an important effect on the
developmental possibilities of a site.
Topographic "design" surveys for Engineering companies include all needed utilities for development as well as electronic copies of topo maps and may include any specs requested.